Before i get started on the review, i'd just like to wish you all a very happy new year! Hope 2014 is everything you are hoping for :). I had a quiet NYE, i'm not feeling 100% at the moment so i slumped on the sofa watching the Britney Spears documentary (ITV player fyi) and indulged in a box of Thorntons chocolates. My mum and i welcomed in the new year by watching the glorious fireworks on the tv - they were pretty amazing! Who knows what 2014 will bring?!

My hair can be quite dry and frizzy, and i often struggle to keep it looking glossy and healthy so i was keen to see if this treatment lived up to the positive reviews it has had. Ever the impatient one, i couldn't wait to use this so on boxing day morning i washed my hair, gave it a quick blast with the hairdryer (its recommended that you use the treatment on damp/dry hair) and applied a couple of pumps through the length of my hair - from about my ear down. I was a bit unsure as to how many pumps to use, but i think if i used more than one pump it would of made my hair feel a bit greasy as it is quite a rich formula - a little really does go a long way!

So, i guess you can say i'm pretty much infatuated with this stuff! I also love the packaging, it comes nicely boxed and inside is a bottle of the treatment with a pump. I'm very pleased that it comes with a pump as it makes dispensing the product a lot easier and helps you not to apply too much either!
Even though the price tag (you can buy a 100ml bottle for around £31.00) is pretty high, i truly think that you get your moneys worth with this. You only need one pump of product so i'd imagine that the whole bottle will last quite a while! It feels like a real luxury to use this on your hair, and i can now understand why so many people adore it. Definitely one to pop on your Birthday/Christmas list, or just treat yourself...
Have you tried Morrocon Oil before? Let me know if you love it as much as i do!
Moroccon Oil is widely available online - have free standard shipping at the moment so it might be worth buying it from there if you are looking to treat yourself! :) < I'm in no way associated with Look Fantastic by the way (i wish!)
Felicity xo
I love Moroccan oil but the price is so off putting! I keep buying cheaper brands but they never live up to the same standard, I am getting to that point where I am just going to have to pay £30 for this again!