I hope that you all had a great Christmas and New Year. The festive season seems to have been going on forever and i'm sure most of us will be struggling to get out of bed for work on monday! As some of you may notice, my blog has had a bit of a spring clean. I felt like my blog has been a bit slow off the mark both in terms of design and content, so i emailed the lovely Serena of Pretty Wild Things and she whipped me up my new layout. I absolutely love it and it has really instigated my interest in writing again. Let me know what you think of the design!
Now onto Christmas! As usual, i had a lovely Christmas surrounded by my family. The past year my mum has been very poorly with trips in and out of hospital and it has really taught me that its all about who you spend Christmas with, rather than the presents that you receive that matters the most. Saying that, i was luckily enough to receive some wonderful presents which i am so grateful for.
I never know what i really want for Christmas, if i want something i tend to buy it myself. So, most of my presents were beauty based, with a couple of other bits too. One present which i did ask for was a set of Zoeva brushes. I deliberated long and hard about which set to get, and finally opted for the classic set. They are stunning brushes and i can't wait to use them, although it will kill me a bit inside when they get dirty! Another present which i asked for was the Babyliss Boutique Soft Waves Hair Styler. I curl my hair about three times a week using the Enrapture Totem Styler which i do like but sometimes the clamp can leave an unsightly kink in my hair. The Babyliss Soft Waves has no clamp and is just a barrelled tong, so should give a really nice result. My lovely sister bought me the Benefit Real Cheeky Party which is a palette containing 5 Benefit powders and miniature versions of the They're Real Masacara and Eyeliner. I LOVE Benefit blushes and bronzers so i just know that i will get so much use out of it!

They were my main beauty bits but i also got a few other bits as you can see in the photos. I was truly spoilt and can't wait to try everything!
Alongside my beauty presents, i also received a couple of non-beauty bits. I recently joined a gym and needed a gym bag, as currently i am just using a large handbag! After looking at Sports Direct i chose the Nike XS Brasilia Bag in the purple shade. It is the perfect size and has lots of different compartments too. I also received from my sister, a hot pink (she knows me so well!) Nike water bottle which will be really handy as currently i am just filling up a water bottle every time.

Finally, i received my main present which was a beautiful Ted Baker dressing gown. Its in a lovely light pink shade with embossed hearts on it. I've never felt anything so soft in my life and if i could permanently wear it, i 100% would!

I also got a few other bits which i haven't photographed such as, Soap and Glory bits, Adult Colour Book (yes, i am that cool!), Chocolate, Purse and a cute Mug for work!
I hope you all had a lovely new year, i had a quiet one this year and spent the evening with a takeaway and the family. It was nice to wake up on New Years Day without a hangover! I'm really looking forward to 2016 and just wiping the slate clean and starting afresh!