I have been aware of Lee Stafford's range of products and have looked at the range in Boots too, but for some reason i have never taken the plunge and bought anything from the brand. As i'm sure many of you know, Lee Stafford himself is one of the Britain's most famous and influential hairdressers and whenever i see interviews with him or read about the brand, i can just feel the passion he portrays about both his brand and hairdressing, this is very reassuring and makes me feel really confident about the products. Sometimes i will buy products from other brands which i love (e.g. Aussie) but i don't really know the people behind the products or the story behind the brand. I think the Lee Stafford brand is really personable and you can really feel that a lot of thought has gone into the products. That wittering probably made no sense, but basically what i am trying to say is that i love how the products are produced by a professional hairdresser who knows what he's talking about!