Hey lovelies,
Yes, another tag! Pretty boring i know, more interesting posts will follow, promise!
Okey dokey, so i was tagged by Tabitha @http://tabitha-sheridan.blogspot.com/

The rules with this award are:
1) List 5 current obsessions
2) Pass the award on to 5 fabulous blogs
3) Mention the person who tagged you and post their blog link
4) Post links to the 5 winners and let them know!
My five current obsessions ....
1. Hot Vimto
Two words - freakin delicious!
I used to have it when i was little and the other day i noticed it was on offer at my local shop so i bought a bottle of it and have become re-aquainted with it! Hot Vimto rules - go try it! Just boil some water in a kettle, pour some Vimto into a glass/cup and then pour the boiling water over the Vimto. Deliciousness guaranteed!
2. Galaxy Cookie Crumble
Haha, i love how my first 2 obsessions are food related!
I love Galaxy chocolate anyway and was intrigued when i saw the "Cookie Crumble" version, so i picked one up and bought it. I didn't think it'd be very nice to be honest, but how wrong was i?! Its the most gorgeous chocolate bar EVER! It has these little bits of cookie biscuit in the chocolate - genius or what?! Galaxy, if your listening please make a "Popcorn Crumble"
3. Re-runs of Old TV Shows
Seeing as work have cut my hours, grrrr! I'm spending a lot more time in front of the TV and have found myself watching old episodes of The O.C, 8 Simple Rules, Americas Next Top Model and of course FRIENDS!
4. Magazines
I'm trying to keep this obsession tamed a bit, but its not working! I buy most of the trashy celebrity weeklies and the glossies too. If you add up all that i spend on magazines in a month its about £30-40, which could be spent on something not as disposable as magazines!
I've been listening to a lot of music lately, i find myself singing along to the radio or loading up Spotify on a frequent basis. I love Florence and The Machine at the moment, so different to whats out there at the moment. I'm also listening to Britney's Circus album a lot too, i LOVE it!
I'm gonna tag all my lovely followers!
Felicity xo
magazines and music! I share those 2 for sure!