Before i get started, i'd like to say a big thank you to all my followers, i hit 300 yesterday. I realise that numbers aren't really important in the blogging world, but it feels nice to think that people are actually reading the stuff i'm writing, and that i'm not just yapping to myself!
In celebration of reaching 300 followers, i thought i would tell you about some of my favourite blogs and YouTube channels, most you will probably know, but there may be a couple of new blogs for you to follow.
Vivianna Does Make Up |
Chances are, you are already an avid reader of Anna's blog. However, just incase for some super strange reason you don't know, i thought i'd mention her blog. Anna's daily post cover an array of girly topics, one day its skincare, and the next its a post featuring a gorgeous lippie! This is definitely one of my favourite blogs, its informative, witty and has great content. Long live Vivianna Does Make Up!
Dizzybrunette3 | http://www.dizzybrunette3.com
Corrie's blog never fails to cheer me up, from her chirpy blog posts to girly layout, when i leave her blog, i always leave feeling a lot more positive. Corrie's blog is a mixture of beauty and fashion, featuring a variety of lower and higher end products. Also, if you are a lover of big hair then Corrie's blog is definitely for you, what Corrie doesn't know about how to achieve big hair simply isn't worth knowing!
Belles Boutique | http://www.belles-boutique.co.uk
My favourite part of Laura's blog is her photos, they are clear, amazing quality and just look uh-mazing! Equally, her posts are just as good, mostly of the beauty variety, but with a few hair/outfit posts thrown in too.
Pearls & Poodles | http://www.pearlsandpoodles.com
Milly's blog is so full of character, i'm pretty sure if i met Milly, her blog would be such a true representation of her. I first came across Milly's blog when she started blogging, and have watched it progress into pretty much one of the most established blogs in the uk blogging world. Milly's posts are a variety of beauty, fashion and baking. Whenever i see Milly has posted a recipe, i almost run to the shops to buy the ingredients, if she was on the Great British Bake Off, i'm pretty sure she would win! #teammilly?!
Zoella | http://www.zoella.co.uk
Probably don't need to say too much about this blog! Zoe has been blogging for yonks and will always remain one of my all time favourite blogs. Although Zoe has focused more on her YouTube videos as of late, i still count her blog as one of my favourites. Zoe's blog contains a whole host of posts from beauty to lifestyle.
Couture Girl | http://x-couturegirl-x.blogspot.co.uk/
Admittedly, Kayleigh's blog is a new-ish discovery for me as i've only been reading it for a few months. Kayleigh's blog features a mixture of fashion, beauty and general life posts. What i love most about Kayleigh's blog is that each post is amazing quality, both in writing and photos. You can tell she is really passionate about what she is writing about, which comes across in all her posts.
Tanya Burr | http://www.youtube.com/pixi2woo
Whenever i see Tanya has uploaded a video, i always look forward to settling down with a cuppa and watch her work her magic! Tanya started out on YouTube under the screen name 'Pixi2woo' and watching her progress as a make up artist has been great. I definitely learnt most of what i know about make up from Tanya! Tanya's videos are predominantly wearable make up tutorials, however she also uploads hauls/vlogs on her second channel.
SWalkerMakeUp | http://www.youtube.com/user/swalkermakeup
Sara is a YouTuber who i have watched since day one, uploading a variety of videos from tutorials to hauls. Her personality is infectious and you can tell she is genuinely a really nice girl. Although she doesn't post as frequently as she used to, she has a great archive of videos which i'd definitely recommend checking out.
Zoella | http://www.youtube.com/user/zoella280390
Zoe is currently my favourite YouTuber, her hauls have got to be my favourite of hers - everything she buys, i feel that i need! Zoe's videos are a mixture of hauls and hilarious tag videos. She also has a second channel which features follow me around type of videos, which are one of my favourite type of videos, maybe thats just because i'm nosy!?
Lisa Eldridge | http://www.youtube.com/user/lisaeldridgedotcom
I don't think i need to explain this one too much... Lisa Eldridge is pretty much the goddess of beauty on YouTube. Her professional approach to make up and her amazing tutorials combine to produce a fantastic array of videos, which you simply need to watch!
Those are just a few of my favourite YouTubers/Bloggers. Anyone else who you would recommend reading/watching?
Felicity xo